The Workshop Tour: A Quick Look Around the Shop

April 02, 2015

The Workshop Tour:  A Quick Look Around the Shop

The wilboro workshop is a small space, so it's critical that it's set up for maximum efficiency.  Over the years I've moved things around a lot, and often I would be moving things when working.  I would have to move one thing to get at another, which wasn't ideal. The following pictures are the current set-up, I can pretty much move from station to station with ease .
The punching, setting, riveting area. 
The dedicated finishing and dye bench.  This is where all the bigger hand operated machines live.  Splitters, presses, and you'll see a burnishing tool in the foreground.You can't see all the machines, but this is one of the main sewing areas.  The Post bed machine is a new acquisition that needs to be set up still.
A little bit of thread and webbing.
Fabric rolls over the cutting bench.  These are mostly waxed canvas.
                                                                                                                                                                 I hope you've enjoyed this quick look around.  I plan to do some more detailed posts in the future on specific machines, how they work and what operations I use them for. 

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